Quickfeather AI Application Project

This demo project performs SensiML data collection and recognition tasks for the Quickfeather platform using QORC-SDK. (Refer: https://github.com/QuickLogic-Corp/qorc-sdk)

An AD7476 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is added to this project. The project uses ADC FPGA IP design from s3-gateware. Communication interface for MQTT-SN messages uses the ASSP UART interface.

Audio data capture and inference feature added to this project. To enable live-streaming 1-channel audio data captured at @16kHz sampling rate, 921600bps baudrate is used for the ASSP UART interface.

Building and running the project:

The project supports either collection or recognition modes. Select the desired mode by updating the macro S3AI_FIRMWARE_MODE in Fw_global_config.h.

  1. Use the provided Makefile in qf_mqttsn_ai_app/GCC_Project folder and appropriate ARM GCC toolchain to build the project

  2. Use the flash programming procedure to flash the binary to Quickfeather board.

  3. Reset the board to start running the AI application.

For data collection, building an AI model, and recognition please refer to SensiML QF and SensiML Getting Started

Using with an AD7476 ADC module

Connect a PmodAD1 module to the quickfeather using the following pinout

PmodAD1 module












Connect desired sensor to the A0 pin on the PmodAD1 module.

Reset the Quickfeather board to start running the AI application. Refer SensiML QF to collect data or get inferences from this connected sensor.

MQTT-SN over USB-serial Notes

The MQTT-SN SensiML AI application may be configured to use FPGA USB-serial IP to send and receive message over USB-serial cable provided this FPGA IP is not used for other purposes such as ADC AD7476 IP used for ADC sensor. The USB transmit FIFO will hold the outgoing data bytes until a host terminal application starts draining this data. According as the MQTT-SN protocol, the application attempts to send CONNECT messages at regular intervals until it receives a response for these messages. To avoid queueing up multiple CONNECT messages in the transmit FIFO which may cause the USB transmit function to enter busy-wait state when the FIFO fills-up, this application sends CONNECT messages only if the FIFO is empty.