Welcome to QORC-SDK’s documentation!

This documentation covers the QORC SDK, and how to use it with the Development Boards.

It will cover the basics of the development kit, and how to setup the development environment for the Cortex-M4F core as well as for the FPGA in the EOS S3.

The documentation is organized as:

  1. Setup : Covers the prerequisites needed for development with the QORC SDK and QuickLogic Development Boards.

  2. QORC-SDK : Covers the SDK organisation and the components available in it.

  3. Quicklogic FPGA Toolchain: Covers the FPGA of the EOS S3 in more detail, including the blocks description and tutorials.

  4. TinyFPGA-Programmer-Application: Covers the details on the TinyFPGAProgammer tool used for flashing the binaries to the EOS S3.

  5. QuickLogic Development Boards: Covers the development boards available based on the EOS S3.

  6. QuickLogic EOS S3: Covers the EOS S3 chip details in some depth.

  7. Guides: All the frequently asked questions related to the QuickLogic platform.

  8. FAQ: All the frequently asked questions related to the QuickLogic platform.