QuickFeather Gateware Test Harness Application


The purpose of this app is to provide a software framework that allows gateware developrs to perform basic function tests on their gateware before releaseing the gateware to teh software developers. The harness loads the gatware, starts the FPGA clocks, and runs a CLI (Command Line Interface) that allows the developer to:

  • read the ID register (register 0x00)

  • read any arbitrary register

  • write any arbitrary register

The thought process is that reading the ID register provides a basic proof of life, and from there the developer can read and write registers to monitor and exercise the gateware (slowly, of course).


Setup gateware

The app is located in qorc-sdk/qf_apps/qf_gwtestharness. This example application uses the UART+GPIO design located in projects/S3_FPGA_UART_GPIO folder of the s3-gateware submodule. The new gateware should be replace the example gateware located on the gateware directory. Gateware is split between the projects directory, which contains the top level designs, and the modules directory, which contains common modules. The example used by this application uses the modules UART_16550 and GPIO located in ip_modules folder of s3-gateware submodule. Note that all designs will have a project, but not all designs will use modules.

You will want to add a new directory under projects for you project: projects/yourproject.
And if you project uses modules, add the appropriate module directories under the modules directory.

You will need a makefile in the projects directory that creates top_bit.h in the projects directory. Recommend that you simply copy the makefile from projects/S3_FPGA_UART_GPIO into your project directory (it should not require modification), and copy the makefile from projects/S3_FPGA_UART_GPIO/rtl into you rtl directory. The makefile in the RTL directory shold be modified to specify any modules that are used. This is done by replacing ‘UART_16550’ with the list of used modules (or blank if no moduels are used) in the line ‘IPMODULES = UART_16550’.

At this point you can test the gateware build by cd gateware/yourproject and make all. This should create top_bit.h in gateware/yourproject.

Setup software

You will need to edit the config-GCC.mk file which is located in the qf_apps/qf_gwtestharness/GCC_Project directory. On the line that says

export GATEWARE_DIR=$(PROJ_ROOT)/s3-gateware/projects/S3_FPGA_UART_GPIO

replace the S3_FPGA_UART_GPIO with the name of the directory that contains your project.

Running make from the GCC_Project directory should now create a qf_gwtestharness app that includes your project.

The default clocks is 12MHz for both FPGA clocks. If this is not appropriate, you will need to edit main.c and set the clock values that you want.

Update the qf_apps/qf_gwtestharness/src/pincfg_table.c to setup S3 pin configuration as defined in the quickfeather.pcf file in your projects/yourproject directory

Running qf_gwtestharness

qf_gwtestharness sends its output to the UART pins on teh Quickfeeather board, so you will need to attach a USB to serial adaptor to the appropriate pins, and then use a terminal emualtor, set to 115200 baud, to interact with the application.

qf_gwtestharness will send various banner messages to the terminal and eventually end up at the starting CLI prompt:

Quicklogic QuickFeather Bootloader
SW Version: qorc-sdk/qf-apps/qf_bootloader(v2) (GCC)
Jun  7 2020 11:50:58

User button not pressed: proceeding to load application

Quicklogic QuickFeather Gateware Test Harness
SW Version: qorc-sdk/qf_apps/qf_gwtestharness
Sep 20 2020 14:24:43

Command Line Interface
App SW Version: qorc-sdk/qf_apps/qf_gwtestharness
[0] >

If you type ‘help’ you will get a list of options:

[0] > help
help-path: (top)
gwtest         - General test harness for gateware
diag           - QuickFeather diagnostic commands
exit           - exit/leave menu
help           - show help
?              - show help
[0] >

The easiest way to interact with your gateware is to switch to the gateware test menu by typing ‘gwtest’:

[0] > gwtest
[1] gwtest > help
help-path: gwtest
readid         - -- read the gateware id reister (@0x00)
readreg        -  0xaddr -- read register at specified address
writereg       - 0xaddr 0xvalue -- write val to specified address
exit           - exit/leave menu
help           - show help
?              - show help
[1] gwtest >

The ‘[1] gwtest >’ indicates that you are in the first level submenu called ‘gwtest’. The ‘help’ shows that there are three commands that you can issue:

  • readid which will read register at address 0x00 (normally the ID register)

  • readreg 0xaddr which will read the register at address

  • writereg 0xvalue 0xaddr which will set the register at addr to value

Note that readreg and writereg assume that the register is uint32, and that the addresses are byte offsets.

Example of readid:

[1] gwtest > readid
id register =: 0xabcd0001
[1] gwtest >

Example of readreg:

[1] gwtest > readreg 0x04
address = 4
register at: 0x00000004
value      : 0x00000100
[1] gwtest >

Example of writereg:

[1] gwtest > writereg 0xbeef 0x10
address = 48879
value = 16
uxValue: 0x00000010
register at    : 0x0000beef
register set to: 0x00000010
[1] gwtest >

Of course this just wrote 0xbeef to the register, whether the register changed depends on whether the register is writable.